Graduate Descent

Multidimensional array index


This is a simple note on how to compute a bijective mapping between the indices of an \(n\)-dimensional array and a flat, one-dimensional array. We'll look at both directions of the mapping: (tuple->int) and (int -> tuple).

We'll assume each dimension \(a, b, c, \ldots\) is a positive integer and bounded \(a \le A, b \le B, c \le C, \ldots\)

Start small

Let's start by looking at \(n = 3\) and generalize from there.

def index_3(a, A):
    _,J,K = A
    i,j,k = a
    return ((i*J + j)*K + k)

def inverse_3(ix, A):
    _,J,K = A
    total = J*K
    i = ix // total
    ix = ix % total
    total = K
    j = ix // total
    k = ix % total
    return (i,j,k)

Here's our test case:

A,B,C = 3,4,5
key = 0
for a in range(A):
    for b in range(B):
        for c in range(C):
            print (a,b,c), '->', key
            assert inverse_3(key, (A,B,C)) == (a,b,c)
            assert index_3((a,b,c), (A,B,C)) == key
            key += 1

Note: This is not the only bijective mapping from tuple to int that we could have come up with. The one we chose corresponds to the particular layout, which is apparent in the test case.

For \(n=4\) the pattern is \(((a \cdot B + b) \cdot C + d) \cdot D + d\).

Sidenote: We don't actually need the bound \(a \le A\) in either index or inverse. This gives us a little extra flexibility because our first dimension can be infinite/unknown.

General case

def index(a, A):
    "Map tuple ``a`` to index with known bounds ``A``."
    # the pattern:
    # ((i*J + j)*K + k)*L + l
    key = a[0]
    for i in xrange(1, len(A)):
        key *= A[i]
        key += a[i]
    return key

def inverse(ix, A):
    "Find key given index ``ix`` and bounds ``A``."
    total = 1
    for x in A:
        total *= x
    key = []
    for i in xrange(len(A)):
        total /= A[i]
        r = ix // total
        ix = ix % total
    return key


Testing the general case

import numpy as np, itertools

def test_layout(D):
    "Test that `index` produces the layout we expect."
    z = [index(d, D) for d in itertools.product(*(range(a) for a in D))]
    assert z == range(np.product(D))

def test_inverse(key, D):
    got = inverse(index(key, D), D)
    assert tuple(key) == tuple(got)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    test_inverse(key = (1,), D = (10,))
    test_inverse(key = (1,3), D = (2,4))
    test_inverse(key = (3,2,5), D = (10,4,8))
    test_inverse(key = (3,2,5,1), D = (10,4,8,2))
    test_inverse(key = (3,2,5,1,11), D = (10,4,8,2,20))
